Client says
My experience with Acces Bars treatment was very nice, I felt relaxed while performing and kind of a lost, little bit like falling asleep but not really-more like some sort of meditative state-pretty much similar to the sound healing experience...
Time flew, I thought it has passed maybe 10-15 minutes, but, actually it was 45', and afterwards-I felt very very relaxed but also with a strong energy boost at the same time☝🏽
I've been told that during the treatment I twitched and that I was making sounds that I don't really recall-it must've been some trauma relief or some sort of buried sickness leaving the body for sure.
All in all-I felt really great afterwards, and there's no reason for anyone not to give it a shot and see how it all works for themselves.

My experience with Access Bars is that I felt, it is a quick fix for the very pack schedule of my life and the fact that I get it from a practitioner, a very conscious and contemplative practitioner like Ajeng, I felt that I am being taken care of within the 45 minutes of the session and it gives me a very mixed sensation in a way as it gives me not only a relaxed state but also a sense of awakeness and I really recommend Ajeng as Access Bars Practitioner because She is very gentle and also very understanding in the case of not willing to over-share and the fact that all clients are treated as they want to be treated. Success for you Ajeng, hopefully you can heal so many more clients in the future, thank you.

Pengalaman Access Bars, sungguh luar biasa relaxnya, saking relaxnya sampe ketiduran walau cuma sebentar. Terasa beda banget sebelum Access Bars dengan sesudah Access bars, sebelumnya itu merasa gampang panik dan gak relax tapi sesudah access bar itu lebih santai, nyaman, dan yang paling terpenting waktu tidur di malam hari jadi berkualitas dan bangun di pagi hari juga lebih segar. biasanya tidur jam 10 malam, kali ini jam 9 sudah tertidur dengan pulasnya. Recommended sekali access bar itu. TOP BANGET!

My five access bars sessions were fabulous… I had no idea what to expect, and to be honest was a bit apprehensive.
What I got were three sessions that were proudly gentle, yet to which my body responded of its own accord … moving to release tensions I didn’t know I had in places I didn’t know existed 🤷♀️
Each session was deep, but different in its own way, which I read as Ajeng’s techniques being profound and authentic.
So, if you want to try something that releases the impacts of trauma on the body, releases the negative energy legacy that trauma leaves, then give this a go. And give yourself time afterwards to sit quietly and let everything settle again.

Ajeng’s manner is kind & loving. I truly enjoyed every second spent with her
Her English skills are excellent, so communicating with her is very straightforward & clear, which is not easy to find in this part of the world.
Ajeng clearly knows what she is doing & focuses on what each client needs, hence the sessions are super personalised & to the point! We worked on things that I have been carrying for the past 10 years & she knew which area it was from without me mentioning anything!
Additionally, she is most accommodating & flexible with dates & times.
Overall, I feel so blessed that our paths crossed. If you have the chance, come and see her. The benefits are beyond what you would expect.

Très belle séance avec Ajeng, très douce et agréable, je me suis sentie vraiment détendue. En + elle est venue à mon hôtel et je n’ai même pas eu à me déplacer ce qui est vraiment confortable. Merci encore.

The A.Bar experience was so soothing, calming ... I drifted off to a pleasant journey within! Ajeng's hands are soft, gentle. They do wonders, combined with her healing energy! I have done 3 sessions, and will definitely do more. The benefits are awesome! I highly recommend it !
Cheers, Kenny